Self Discipline

Have you ever questioned why there have been occasions when you may have lacked commitment or self-discipline in an area or pursuit of something you know would add value to your life? There was no question about the benefits yet something got in the way, slowed you down or distracted you. You made an excuse or blamed your circumstances or stepped into denial.
Understanding the impact and the benefits of a coach can therefore seem relatively straightforward. A coach can unlock potential, improve performance, create higher personal accountability, and be your candid friend who will tell you as it is. A coaching relationship seeks to uncover the true potential, to encourage the coachee to venture out of their comfort zone.
Coaching can help to develop positive self-talk in the coachee in order to strengthen personal resolve and commitment to offer clarity in self-awareness. Having the ability to hold yourself accountable in those times when you seek to push the boundaries, to be better.
Interestingly that’s not the coaching effect, but rather that’s coaching. In fact, the coaching effect isn’t measured in activities, actions or deeds, rather the key factor here is time. Coaching isn’t a short-term relationship, where someone seeks to have a ‘bit of coaching’ to make a bit of a change. Nor is it an exchange of strategies, instructional guides or suggestions to be a better version of yourself.
Coaching depends on a relationship built over time on trust and vulnerability. Trust that your coach will always seek to challenge you to go that bit further, through an understanding of what you truly desire to achieve. Trust that your coach will always encourage what needs to be said is said. That may be through deep reflection and questioning or raising awareness through observations.
Furthermore to know you have the unwavering support of your coach in your pursuits. Being there through the great times and the tough times. Always seeking out the gift and opportunity when your inner voice is in saboteur mode. And to help you gain focus on your vision. That’s coaching, so what is the coaching effect?
The coaching effect can only ever be measured in time. Think back to your school days, which teacher has had the most significant lasting effect on you and why? In all likelihood, they helped you through change, helped you to define the world you live in and probably helped you recognise your value. Having a coach today (and the right coach for you) can only truly be measured in the future.
The coaching effect will only ever truly be measured through the impact it has on your life in the years and decades to come. Living in a world where we want immediate gratification, and results now to benefit immediately this can seem a little counterintuitive for a coach to suggest that the benefits of coaching will take decades. The point here is that a coaching relationship can trigger the lasting change that over years can have an immense impact on the coachee.
As a professional high-performance coach and to offer a personal reflection, I still find it immensely humbling when I talk to those whom I have previously coached who have gone on to bigger and better things. Their expressions of gratitude, as they have remained a constantly evolving better version of themselves day after day. They have also been able to overcome challenges with clarity and resolve and to truly celebrate their success and who they are today.
My coaching career spans over 10 years and it is only now that the true impact of those whom I have coached in my early days in my coaching practice and my time as a very active private sector leader in Guyana is truly being recognized. My vision of being a world-class coach will only truly be recognized in the passage of time, as those I coach today go on to achieve their greatness. What is your vision for yourself?